Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Visit #7

 Date: 11/9/10
Time: 1:30 PM
Temp.: 66º F
Length of Day: 17:27
Climate: Warm, Kind of breezy, clear sky
I've noticed that as the weather gets warmer the organisms are easier to find. While I was in the back yard, I was kicking around dirt and I was coming upon some worms. The branches are mostly bare by now, except for a few leaves that just haven't fallen off. The bushes back there are mostly bare as well. I was also seeing bees, and lady bugs fly around everywhere, and other bugs that I couldn't identify. They were flying around too fast to snap a photo of as well. The pine trees back there that are partly dead have holes in the side of their foliage.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Visit #6

Date: 11/1/10

Time: 5:00 P.M. 
Climate conditions: sunny, cool, and a little breezy
Temperature: 52 degrees Fº
Length of Day: 10:18
When I went out tonight, it was a brisk night, but it was also cool. While I was out there I noticed that all of the trees that still have leaves on them are for the most part oak leaves. Also while I was out there, I went through the pine trees and noticed a deer bed. My dad went through there this morning and there wasn't a bed to be found, so they must have done it today sometime. I also found some fresh deer tracks too. I'm still looking forward to one more visit this year.