Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Visit #7

 Date: 11/9/10
Time: 1:30 PM
Temp.: 66º F
Length of Day: 17:27
Climate: Warm, Kind of breezy, clear sky
I've noticed that as the weather gets warmer the organisms are easier to find. While I was in the back yard, I was kicking around dirt and I was coming upon some worms. The branches are mostly bare by now, except for a few leaves that just haven't fallen off. The bushes back there are mostly bare as well. I was also seeing bees, and lady bugs fly around everywhere, and other bugs that I couldn't identify. They were flying around too fast to snap a photo of as well. The pine trees back there that are partly dead have holes in the side of their foliage.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Visit #6

Date: 11/1/10

Time: 5:00 P.M. 
Climate conditions: sunny, cool, and a little breezy
Temperature: 52 degrees Fº
Length of Day: 10:18
When I went out tonight, it was a brisk night, but it was also cool. While I was out there I noticed that all of the trees that still have leaves on them are for the most part oak leaves. Also while I was out there, I went through the pine trees and noticed a deer bed. My dad went through there this morning and there wasn't a bed to be found, so they must have done it today sometime. I also found some fresh deer tracks too. I'm still looking forward to one more visit this year.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Visit #5

Date: 10/24/10
Time: 11:30 A.M.
Temperature: 65º F
Climate Conditions: Cloudy/ Overcast, windy
Today it was a nice overcast day, I noticed that almost all of the leaves have fallen off of the trees. I have seen that the trees are bare and it is ready for snow to fall, but it is still warm out for a fall afternoon. While I was out there the cool breeze rustled through the bare branches and through the tall grasses. I'm looking forward to visiting sometime when there is snow on the ground.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Visit #4

Date: 10/17/10
Time: 5:50 P.M.
Length of Day: 10:59
Climate/Conditions: Cool, clear night, a little sunny
Temperature: 59º F

Before I was out behind my house we had had three deer out back. All does but they were pretty big. Seeing this reminded me that i had to take pictures. I went out there and I have noticed that a lot of things have changed since last week. While I was out there also I went back and looked for signs of anything back there and I found fresh deer tracks from those deer. It was nice to see some wild life and get to experience that again.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Visit #3

Date:  October 10, 2010

Time: 12:00 P.M.
Length of Day: 11:18
Climate: sunny, Hot
Temperature: 73º F
Today I went out and it was rather warm out. It was a tad windy, I didn't really hear anything either. It was quite peaceful out there, I could have easily sat there for hours. I could notice that the leaves went from light green, to a reddish brown color. The leaves are changing so quick it's amazing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Visit #2

Saturday,  55 degrees
1:30 PM
Length: 12:01
Windy, overcast, cold

 As I was doing this visit I saw how much everything had changed in just one week! This makes me think how much will everything change in the seven visits we make. I'm hoping to see some huge changes once the leaves fall off. I didn't really hear all that much it was pretty dead when I was out there.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Visit #1

It was September 16, 7:30 P.M. I was out in the back yard the weather was cloudy and cool. The sun was out for a while, and the clouds covered it every once and a while. It was about 70 degrees Fahrenheit   outside. The length of day was 12 hours and 25 minutes. While I was doing this i heard many different kinds of birds it seemed like, I'm not all that sure. I also saw tons of different flowers and grasses.